National Geographic Atlas of the World, 11th Edition

National Geographic Atlas of the World, 11th Edition


National Geographic Atlas of the World, 11th Edition

Most people reviews speak that the National Geographic Atlas of the World, 11th Edition are good book.We've found pros and cons on this book. But overall, It's a supreme book and we are well recommend it!
Created for all global citizens, this universally respected volume of world maps has been completely revised and updated with fascinating visualizations of international trends and global conditions.

National Geographic's flagship Atlas of the World, now in its 11th edition, provides authoritative maps of every country, ocean, and region of the world, as well as thematic maps and accompanying graphics showing important population, environmental, and economic patterns. Organized by continent and reflecting today's political boundaries and identities, this authoritative atlas is an indispensable reference for schools and libraries, as well as the latest resource for home browsing and study. A thematically organized opening section uses current data to visualize urgent concerns, such as Earth's last wild places, changing freshwater availability, human migration and refugee movement, and human rights conditions globally. The back of the book contains basic facts and flags of every country, as well as a comprehensive index cross-referencing more than 150,000 place names. A thought-provoking foreword by Alexander M. Tait, The Geographer of National Geographic, begins the book.

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